Technology Landscape Analysis provides an in-depth analysis to ascertain the existing technology and the market trend in the domain of concern. It involves a competitive analysis of the past, present and future trend in technology that helps one to plan and innovate research strategy. This also helps to identify white space in the subject technology domain.
Technology Landscape & Whitespace Analysis provides an in-depth analysis to ascertain the existing technology and the market trend in the domain of concern. It involves a competitive analysis of the past, present and future trend in technology that helps one to plan and innovate research strategy. This also helps to identify white space in the subject technology domain.
Company Portfolio Analysis
For Assessing the State of Research in a Technology Area Prior to Investing in R&D
Competitor Analysis
Technology Trends and Roadmaps
Whitespace Analysis
Commercial Viability
Collaboration Intelligence (inventors, institutions, law firms)
Prosecution Tracking
Intelligence Dashboards
Problem & Solution analysis
Citation study
State-of the art of the technology patents and non-patent scientific literatures)
Competitor landscapes – existing competition,
Technology trends and innovations
Licensing opportunities
Investment, M&A, R&D activities
Gap analysis
Available opportunities from different technology areas (enter new market areas)