State of the art search

An effective state-of-the-art search is designed to give a broad picture, identifying general and background art for a particular technology. A state-of-the-art search often covers materials such as disclosures made in patents, scientific literature and review articles. An extension to the patentability search, this includes searching not only the published patents and applications, but also specific publications in the field of the art. State of the art gives a complete picture of the relevant technology field to determine the direction of research and is therefore, important for the R & D initiatives. It helps to collect information critical for making market decisions and proves indispensable to a company considering entry into a new technology area or development of new products.


Gain understanding about new areas your company hopes to pursue

Help allocate precious resources before starting a new project

Identify a new area of interest or unexplored opportunities

Identify possible business partners or pin-point competitors